Click here to get started or call us on: 09063170721
You can access loans between N50,000.00 to N5,000,000.00
Interest rate on all our loans is risk based. We make sure our customers get the best pricing.
Yes, you have to be in paid employment before you can access our loan products.
Loan repayment date and amount to be repaid are agreed before disbursement. So No, you cannot make part payment on your loan or change repayment date.
Yes you can pre-liquidate your loan, however there is a pre-liquidation fee on the loan value.
You can apply immediately after full repayment of an existing loan with us.
Loans can be paid back with NUBAN bank Cheques or Direct Debit.
If you do not want your cheques presented, we have to be notified 48hrs before due date. And you can make payments directly to our bank account below at least 24hrs before payment date on the cheque:
First City Monument Bank (FCMB)
Account number: 4185030022
An email will be sent to you with details of your Loan. Also a text message will be sent to your phone. Please make sure you provide all your correct contact information to make this possible for us.
You cannot apply for more than one loan at a time. But you can have a loan top up after making at least 3 consecutive repayments.
A top up loan is an additional loan request that is added to your existing loan. This can only be done after at least 3 consecutive repayments.
This cannot be changed after disbursement is made to your bank account. It can only be changed before CredCentral makes disbursement to you.
No, just visit our website or call us on 09063170721, and our sales team will be in touch with you. You do not need to come to the office from application till disbursement and even repayment.